[Day 1 & 2] After a VIP & Delegations day during which we have been honored to receive the visit of His Excellency Ludovic Pouille, French Ambassador in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and French parliamentarians, the exhibition opens today to visitors.

[Day 3] After having received the French DGA Emmanuel Chiva yesterday, we have been pleased to introduce Soframe to Mrs Valentine Rioult, Assistant Director for Global Affairs of French Ministry of Interior International Cooperation Department.
Thanks to French delegations members for their support.
[Day 4] Another day of fruitful discussions is over in Riyadh.
Tomorrow will be your last opportunity to assess the quality of SOFRAME’s vehicles with Saudi Arabia National Guard’s display of the systems we’ve engineered and produced to meet their most stringent requirements.

[Day 5] it’s a wrap !
Grateful for the turnout at our booth during the week !
Our team couldn’t be prouder to have been part of this wonderful edition.